The instinct of an unconscious mind is to imitate, to mimic something it has contact with, incorporating a behaviour with little or no understanding about what is happening in the present moment. A belief out of faith, an execution with no explanation about the hows, whats, whys, and whens. The segregation between conscious and unconscious is achieved by mind training, the idea of using the unconsciousness as a tool triggered by our consciousness. The more we realise the awareness and higher sense we are able to achieve through mind training, the more we understand the moments to speed-up and the moments to slow-down, protecting what matters most: life itself.
Mind training is not about the capability of performing a given task but the capability of performing it with knowledge that such an execution is happening in the present moment. It is a conscious conditioning of our body and mind that enables us to elevate our strength to the sky. Mind training is not about pure repetition, it is just about recognition. It is recognising we have to practise kindness and compassion to diminish the manifestation of negative emotions. It is recognising we need repetition to activate within the self what is already there, our love nature. It is recognising there is no perfection in a universe dictated by impermanence. It is recognising how, what, why, and when something has just happened, including stepping into a state of suffering.
Ancient knowledge is all about putting our consciousness to a higher purpose. A purpose that says we have something to learn every single day. A purpose to protect life no matter where, why, or when. A purpose of not harming another, tapping into a beautiful knowledge that teaches us we could enjoy and embrace each other. A purpose that says we have to use our brain in a conscious way, which is also able to forgive the self if suffering puts a barrier on the road of our life journey.
Consciousness does not say we cannot imitate or mimic something we have just contact with. Consciousness says we have to understand what we are doing in order to recognise the meaning of it. The moment we realise why mind training influences the path of a meaningful life, it is the moment we understand we perform an imitation game every single moment we shine the beautiful light we have inside in a conscious and beautiful way.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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