The moment we get stuck into a period of suffering, waiting for something or someone to take us out from a situation, a challenge we are facing, it is the moment we are imprisoned into our unconscious mind, conditioned to not thinking clearly, and with a high probability of deteriorating the self while a slave of the situation. By using our consciousness we are not building a stair that get us nowhere out of the situation we are just experiencing; we are enhancing the self, preparing our body and mind to just diminish the chaos that is created, being aware of the storm of negative thoughts and emotions, and able to put ourselves in the path towards a clear observation and understanding of what is happening. The moment we realise how to empower the self just with what we have already inside, it is the moment we understand we may not have a solution at hand but we are able to use the proper tool to find it in a meaningful way.
Suffering is something that has the power of generating fear inside the self, diminishing the use of our consciousness, and tapping into a negative conditioning we may have incorporated until the present moment. The more we get conditioned by the negative experiences we have had, the more we put ourselves away from a possibility to see consciousness as the key that we need to break the conditioned loop of negativity, the darkness we have contact with in and out.
The idea of listening to negativity, embracing darkness, or believing out of faith we cannot do something, may establish a blockage within the self that stops consciousness to be used as the master key of our own existence. We do not do it because we are afraid of failure. We do not attempt it because the “easier” way of dealing with suffering is locking, putting aside, getting away until someone comes to take care of it on our behalf, which is the biggest illusion we can experience in our lifetime.
There is no way for someone else to take care of our life on our behalf, living the 24 hours of our day, and dealing with all the challenges we have to face in the present moment. A person that waits to end suffering by the efforts of someone else, is a person that may believe out of faith that performing mind training is useless and has no benefits for the self.
The moment we realise everyone can breathe, talk, walk, live, and think, it is the moment we understand anyone can use the power of the mind to see what the unconscious mind is able to ignore.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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