The smile in the heart is a recognition in the face that we walk in a conscious and meaningful way. The challenges are huge, the difficulties big, the conditions harsh, and the look enhances every day. The external is on the outside, which differs from the internal being able to reach the sky. On the negative side we see the diminish of success and the dissemination of any kind of attempt, no matter whether it is finished, as failures. On the positive one everything turns into knowledge, no matter the outcome, the circumstances, the external opinion, visible results, or even opportunities offered. The moment we realise that nurturing the self to achieve inner peace is extraordinary, it is the moment we understand external and internal are not able to recognise and classify the power of the mind in the same way.

There is only one way to walk a long journey: performing one step after the other. The pace may be not the same, as the challenges presented in the environment vary like the impermanence observed in the universe. The world may not be fair but fairness is something that walks hand-to-hand with consciousness. There is no consciousness without fairness, as unfairness is a trace of a mind in suffering, a characteristic observed in activities resulting in harming another. The illusion of consciousness associated with an unfair behaviour is similar to the fact we enter deep in the sea, with no need of oxygen to breathe. A mind in suffering is not able to see, and a conscious mind is in peace to be freed.

If you usually think you are too small to make a difference, try to be gentle in a chaotic environment to see if people would not notice the moment you enter the room. Not harming others and being kind and compassionate no matter the circumstances have the same result. If kindness and compassion represent a two-way road, the environment is full of happiness all around. If kindness and compassion represent a one-way road, the obnoxious on the outside would notice that trying to get someone out of mind is not working as expected. However, if there is no way of kindness and compassion to get a road to move, the result is the deterioration of life deep in the self, as clear as seeing the manifestation of light in a dark night.

The moment we realise deep in the heart love is what makes us energised, it is the moment we understand the energy of love is precious and unlimited.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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