There is a huge amount of knowledge from the ancient times we need to restore within ourselves. A knowledge capable of boosting our immune system to deal with many threats, including COVID-19. A knowledge acquired from past experiences of our ancestors in the observation, reasoning, and understanding of their life journeys, and challenges they had to face, which may have left many scars during the process. A knowledge that includes physical and mental endurance, which combined configures a real superpower we could tap into through our consciousness. The moment we realise the strength we have already inside, it is the moment we understand how to access and enhance it in a meaningful way.
There are huge benefits of enhancing and sharpening our strength while walking our life journey. The idea of training our body as we train our mind has little to do with the external but a lot with the natural protection we develop within our live vessel. It is a phase of the announced marriage between body and mind, the supporter and the manager of our meaningful journey towards the beautiful light we have inside.
The marriage between body and mind is a bond with a common goal of enhancing the self, supporting the practise of kindness and compassion no matter the circumstances. By training our body and mind we are able to achieve high levels of consciousness, being awake and aware of many things happening in the present moment, which we would not notice with no such training. It is recognising changes in our live vessel, being capable of scanning our body, feeling the sensations, and identifying the vicinity of something we have to deal with.
By tapping into our evolutionary wheel present within our DNA, we may realise what kind of activities our ancestors have had enrolled into to extract the wonderful wisdom they have left us within the self. It is a matter of activating, consciously, the similar instinct, similar strength, and similar wisdom dormant deep in our cells, our body, and our mind.
The moment we realise there is an unlimited amount of power we are able to use in the benefit of our meaningful journey, it is the moment we understand why knowledge is priceless, and possessing such a knowledge and wisdom a reason to become a vivid target of our own suffering.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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