During our life journey we've to make choices regarding the path we would like to pursue. We need to evaluate what we're doing in the present moment, achieving a clear understanding of the pros and cons related to the decisions we've made. We can only do it if we keep consciousness at hand, being neither influenced nor conditioned by darkness and the negativity we've contact with. A conscious and meaningful path can only be pursued if we know exactly what we're facing. As a consequence, we're able to achieve the clear understanding of why the choice of an orthogonal path away from the negative conditioning we're subjected to represents being in the middle of a cold-war battlefield we've no intention to be part of. However, we've no choice but to apply self-defence measures if we would like to survive deception, threats, and unfair behaviours in the environment we are inserted into.

Sometimes we've no choice but to defend the self if we would like to survive the harsh and deceptive environment we're inserted into. There's no already written destiny that we've to accept, which is—per se—not evolved by the clear understanding of what happens in the present moment. We've no need to please others just to feed their own suffering, no matter what type of suffering we're talking about. We need to keep the self walking the path towards a meaningful life, where we put aside anything not aligned with our love nature.

Feeding the suffering of another is embracing the negative conditioning we're subjected to, following an unconscious behaviour that culminates on experiencing suffering ourselves. Breaking the loop of suffering to start not living to please others but stepping into our personal evolution to enhance the self is a fundamental step we need to realise and understand on our own.

The more we realise the conscious and meaningful path we would like to pursue, the better we understand what we need to do to make it the journey of the present moment.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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