Every single day we need to realise the source of negativity we're dealing with, identifying clearly if both the strategy and the measures we've been taking are focused on the roots or just the superficial outcomes. The moment we understand where's the source of negativity, and how to deal with it, it's the moment we can start walking and experiencing the benefits of our personal evolution. Facing darkness during our daily activities requires attaining such understanding. There's no way to deal with obnoxious situations and the negative conditioning we're subjected to if we're not able to identify the presence of darkness, handling our own suffering, keeping consciousness at hand, and therefore putting anything not aligned with our love nature aside while walking the path towards a meaningful life.

The main drawback to the self is indeed experiencing suffering. Suffering has the power to boost any external source of negativity we're dealing with, increasing by many fold the probability of embracing darkness and the negative conditioning we're subjected to. Understanding and dealing properly with our own suffering is the foundation to step into our personal evolution.

When we start understanding our own suffering, and diminishing the charge of negativity associated with it, it means that we get ready to attenuate the negative energy we've contact with on the outside. External sources of negativity will not disappear. They will continue to be there according to the laws dictating the impermanence of the universe, and we may—from time to time—have to deal with them accordingly.

The moment we realise how to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light deep within, it's the moment we understand how to deal with our own suffering in a conscious and meaningful way.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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