Getting away from slavery is the main goal of the path of light. It’s by keeping consciousness at hand that we get away from being a slave of our own suffering, and therefore a slave in someone else's hands. Getting away from civilisation, walking the path towards a meaningful life, implies the acknowledgement to accept and understand that living a simple life in symbiosis with nature, and far away from the modern society dominated by darkness, is the ultimate call to free the self from suffering. The more we realise it, the better we understand that no one can enslave the self without our own permission.

Slavery is no more. Performing our body and mind training in the middle of modern society has the clear goal of liberating the self from being a slave. The presence of darkness, and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, have the clear goal of keeping the self into a dormant state, accepting anything with no understanding.

In the modern society where slavery is the norm, the ones who can have free access to education and knowledge are the ones with financial power. The illusion of openness and easy access to knowledge is a try-catch journey to the ones who has “lucky” to have access to knowledge with no financial power.

The ones with consciousness at hand have to be prepared to handle the exceptions happening during the journey in the middle of modern society. The exception of dealing with our own periods of suffering. The exception of handling the suffering of another, who has the eager desire to make us a puppet, a slave in their hands. The exception of dealing with obnoxious situations, which are derived from the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The exception of dealing with the imposition of accepting slavery as a gift, a favour that enables the self to keep living a life restrained by hatred culture.

No one decides to be a slave in a conscious and meaningful way. We weren’t born to be slaves of one another, and we weren’t born to enslave anything or anyone else. We were born to cultivate and nurture our beautiful light from the inside out, with no interference from anyone else. If by any means or circumstances the environment we’re inserted into enforces the acceptance of slavery as the norm, restricting and restraining our fundamental human rights, instead of starting a war we can always choose the ultimate call of getting away from civilisation.

If we choose consciously and meaningfully to make the ultimate call of getting away from civilisation to live a simple live, and the ones worshiping evil’s mind in darkness’ behalf insists on keeping following and prosecuting the self, it represents the confirmation that the illusory justification of the “greater good” is nothing more than a way to ensure the duality of speaking out against slavery and practicing it in the roots and foundations of modern society.

The moment we realise how to keep consciousness at hand in the middle of civilisation and modern society, it’s the moment we understand that our mother nature and our brothers and sisters of other species living away from civilisation can offer protection to the self, which implies that keeping consciousness at hand makes the self to get back to them, eventually.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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