It's by observing the self and the surroundings using our third eye that we can easily identify the sources of negativity we've to deal with, drawing suitable strategies to diminish their negative impact within our own perspective and relativity. It's important starting realising the negative consequences of embracing darkness and the negative conditioning we're subjected to, which makes us stepping into a period of suffering that perpetuates both the chaotic environment we may be inserted into and the awful behaviours we may have contact with. It's just by being aligned with our love nature, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light deep within, that we can keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, facing darkness and diminishing the influence of hatred culture on the self. The more we realise what we're capable of, the better we understand nothing is more important than caring about life as the ultimate goal.

There's no time to waste on embracing darkness and the negative conditioning we're subjected to. It's useless doing anything against our love nature. The moment we understand the unlimited power of love, and how it's much more beneficial to the self cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light within instead of embracing darkness, it is the moment we step into the path of our personal evolution, heading towards a meaningful way of life where every single source of light counts, being a unique and strong part of the foundation to disseminate love everywhere.

It's also important to establish a strong and resilient mindset, where contact with deceptive environments that use obnoxious behaviours are the norm should've no influence on the decisions we make. It implies that such performed decisions should be made in a conscious and meaningful way, putting aside any negative conditioning we're subjected to in order to segregate right from wrong, i.e., what's aligned with our love nature and what's not. That is the secret of facing darkness no matter the circumstances. We need to make conscious decisions instead of following the negative conditioning we're subjected to.

The moment we realise that keeping consciousness at hand is the way of light, it is the moment we understand that being conscious makes no room for darkness' influence.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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