It's important to be aware and awaken of what happens in the present moment, observing, analysing, and understanding the sequence of events before the self. If we're not able to recognise the illusions we've contact with in the surroundings, it may indicate we're experiencing a period of suffering, which is resulted from a performed conditioning, the incorporation of negativity deep within, or even both. The moment we liberate the self from suffering, keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, it's the moment we're able to use our third eye to see clearly the illusions we've contact with, enabling the self to make decisions in a more conscious and meaningful way. It's only by making conscious and meaningful decisions that we can step into our personal evolution, acquiring priceless pieces of knowledge, converting them into wisdom, and attaining higher levels of peace of mind to step into the next level of our evolutionary and unlimited growth's path.

The more we use our consciousness to observe the self and the environment we are inserted into, the better we understand the flow of distinguished types of energy we have contact with. The positive sources of energy may be used as ways of relaxation, using the opportunity to take a break with no need of spending our personal energy to convert negativity we receive from the outside into a positive and meaningful inner spark triggering our consciousness to take care of the situation through a kind, compassionate, and non-judgemental attitude. On the other hand, the negative types of energy constitute the majority of sources of energy we've contact with, which requires special attention in the strategy we settle for our body and mind training. 

We need to overcome the potential of negative energies to deteriorate and harm the self during our life journey. We need to transform that negative power into a fuel of our personal evolution, converting a difficulty or a challenge into a type of sparring partner we use to become stronger and resilient to any type of negativity we may have contact with while walking the path towards a meaningful life.

It's important to understand clearly that the goal of any type of chaotic situation or destruction we observe in the surroundings is to intimidate our consciousness to give up our love nature, accepting the negative conditioning we're subjected to with no questions asked. It takes time to acquire that priceless piece of knowledge, realising and achieving a better understanding of the big picture regarding the situation we're part of. When we realise our capability and limits of keeping the self aligned with our love nature have been tested every single day by darkness, where stepping into a period of suffering represents the inability to deal with the negativity we've contact with in the present moment, we're able to understand the purpose and meaning of performing our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way.

The moment we realise the positive and powerful energy flow evolving our live vessel, it is the moment we understand the unlimitedness nature of the power we have deep within.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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