It’s important to realise how we can enhance in a conscious and meaningful way. We need to understand the flow of energy within our body, how our cells react to the food we consume, and how we can boost the strength we acquire, which is the result of our training. We need to be able to feel the variation of the energy level, commanding its growth or shrink just through our mind. The moment we realise how to do it, it’s the moment we understand that surpassing challenges and difficulties we’re facing and experiencing is a matter of time.

Let’s tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within. Let’s cultivate and nurture the beautiful light from the inside out. Let’s perform our body and mind training, taking obnoxious situations we’ve contact with as opportunities to practise and sharpen the results obtained.

We’re creatures of love, and it means that we’re not meant to start wars and harm one another. We’re meant to share the environment we’re inserted into, living a life in harmony with nature and one another.

Let’s realise and understand that darkness is no more. There’s no room available within the self to embrace darkness and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to. We need to expand the power of love, our kindness and compassion, through the manifestation of the beautiful light from the inside out.

The moment we realise how to boost the light deep within, it’s the moment we understand the unlimited source of power we’ve inside.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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