It’s indeed a period of huge energy emanated by the universe itself, which we can take advantage of to step into our personal evolution. There will be huge threats to face, great challenges to deal with, a lot of difficulties to find a way to diminish the negative impact, and the next level of the unlimited power we have within us to achieve. The result is the wonderful transformation that supports caring about life as the ultimate goal, walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

It’s time to realise and understand the purpose of life, and the evolution of the self into the path we have chosen to pursue in the present moment. It’s time to understand the purpose of not embracing darkness, incorporating the benefits of not deteriorating the self kneeling to the negative conditioning we are subjected to.

It’s time to open up like a lotus flower, taking advantage of the mud to rise strong and resilient, emanating a pure and positive energy of love through an astonishing manifestation of our beautiful light from the inside out. It’s time to diminish the influence of negativity towards the self, converting the negative stimulation we are receiving from the surroundings into positive energy we can use to step into the next level of our personal evolution.

It’s time to—instead of retracting to confine the infinite growth of hatred culture and negativity— changing the roots deep within to transform the negativity we have contact with into the foundation of our body and mind training, anytime, anywhere, and at any circumstances.

The moment we realise we are almost there, it is the moment we understand the secret of seeing the relics and getting into the place of our universal and meaningful evolution.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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