It's time to realise and understand the path of our personal evolution, observing the self to draw suitable strategies making negativity grow weaker every single day. We need to keep consciousness at hand, converting any trace of negativity into a kind of motivation to perform something genuine and beneficial to the self, strengthening our roots and foundations established through the unlimited power of our love nature. The more we're aware of the presence of darkness in the environment we're inserted into, the more we're awakened to deal with the external sources of negativity besides our own suffering. It's extremely important to diminish the power and influence of darkness within our own perspective and relativity. The moment we put aside any negative energy we receive from the outside, it's the moment we understand that type of energy isn't aligned with our love nature.

We need to keep in our mind the importance of recognising the presence of darkness in the environment we're inserted into. It's only by performing such recognition that we can draw suitable strategies to be better prepared to deal with obnoxious behaviours and huge amounts of negative energy we may have contact with. We need to create a kind of self-defence and support to our back, like a tail that is able to sense the airflow in the surroundings, alerting our conscious mind about possible threats we may have to deal with in the vicinity. The more we perform our body and mind training, the better our body and mind can help the self to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we're subjected to.

Let's keep conscious, enhancing the self by increasing our physical strength and hardening our mind to be resilient against any type of obnoxious behaviour we've contact with. Let's keep awakened to what happens in the present moment, focusing on the duty of caring about life as the ultimate goal, attaining higher levels of peace of mind while walking the path towards a meaningful life. Let's be brave to establish a strong yet peaceful posture to prevent the self to embrace darkness and the negative conditioning we've subjected to.

The moment we realise that we just need to keep consciousness at hand and rely on the self to step into our personal evolution, it's the moment we understand we're the ones doing the hard work of putting aside anything that isn't aligned with our love nature.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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