The flourishing of the self is the recognition of the importance to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. It’s only by using the power of the mind, and the unlimited energy of love deep within, that we can face darkness and the negative conditioning we are subjected to in a meaningful way. No matter how unfair is either the scene or the environment we are inserted into, if we keep consciousness at hand we are able to deal with the situation even if suffering kicks in in the middle of an argument. The more we perform our body and mind training, the better we can understand the threats we are facing and dealing with in the surroundings.

It’s time to realise and understand that darkness is in the surroundings, and the negative energy being disseminated throughout the environment can be sensed. We just need to keep consciousness at hand, using our third eye to observe carefully what happens in the present moment. It’s by carefully observing the environment that we can acquire priceless pieces of knowledge we may use to adapt and draw suitable strategies to deal with the presence of darkness in the scene we are part of.

The overwhelm of information and different types of energy we are able to sense may be hard to deal with at first. However, if we keep practising we are able to get used to sensing them without being disturbed, which is fundamental for personal evolution.

Usually what we observe in an environment dominated by darkness is that people behave like children, ignoring common laws and rules established by modern society. And by doing so, it’s usually expected that things get solved like when they were in the kindergarten period, where in case of unfair and deceptive environments, who had “the father/mother” with bigger financial/political power was considered right in some sense. It means that when the child associated with the father/mother with the bigger financial/political power was doing something extremely wrong, that action was ignored or even rewarded; while if a child associated with a father/mother with little or no financial/political power applies self-defence measures in a conscious and meaningful way, they could be considered wrong and being discriminated.

The more we realise the presence of such a kindergarten behaviour in the environmnet we are inserted into, the better we understand and get prepared to deal with darkness and the associated negative conditioning we are subjected to.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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