The idea of performing our body and mind training regularly is preparing the self to deal with deception, which is—in summary—the art of illusion, presenting something always with the intention to harm another on the back side. That is the main tactic of darkness. Therefore, it’s extremely important to learn how to identify the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The majority of the time it’s dressed with a nice, calm, and sometimes innocent mask, which is the illusion we’ve to be prepared to deal with. The challenge starts in performing our body and mind training to keep consciousness at hand and not mistaking the presence of a genuine person by the fabricated scene of someone else who’s worshiping evil’s mind, being extremely nice while stabbing our back with a knife. The more we get prepared to deal with that situation, which was extremely common during World War II, the better we’re prepared to walk the path towards a meaningful life.

Recognising the presence of darkness is extremely important to be able to draw suitable strategies to enhance the self, stepping into our personal evolution. The eye of the tiger, the pure and genuine vision that is capable of seeing the truth in the surroundings, being always prepared to deal with obnoxious situations, is what we need to be capable of manifesting. We’ve to be capable of realising and understanding the true meaning of what we’re experiencing. Deception will cause more deception in order to influence and force the self to make a mistake, enforcing the trickster behaviour with the intention of making the self to believe we’re inferior beings, and therefore that we must accept a submissive and conditioned way of life. That’s the key point observed in deceptive slavery, making a conditioned mind to believe that being a slave is extremely good and a blessing to the self. It’s not.

Being a free person in an environment where deceptive slavery is a norm requires courage. The more courage we acquire, the better is our understanding about life and the way of light, which supports the self while walking towards a meaningful life.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp)

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