The moment we realise that a community of conscious minds starts from, at least, one unique and singular mind, it’s the moment we understand that the community lives deep within, which makes a community of conscious minds a group of communities that are composed of one unique and singular conscious mind each. Therefore, that established community of conscious minds becomes transcendental, capable of facing darkness through the passage of time.

Standing strong against darkness is something we can do on our own. We need neither support nor help from others but a conscious and meaningful attitude to prevent the self from stepping into a period of suffering.

There’re a lot of challenges and difficulties we’ve to face when choosing the path of light. One of them is the understanding that in the face of darkness, and dominance of hatred culture, we need to walk alone until finding someone else to establish a community of conscious minds, where the genuine goal is cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light deep within, even when knowing the type of negative environment we’ve to deal with in the surroundings.

We’ve to be resilient—and conscious—to prevent the self from stepping into a period of suffering, mainly when we’re the only one aligned with our love nature in the vicinity.

We all know what darkness does behind the scenes, and we all also know how brave we’ve to be to deal with deception most of the time. We need to use our third eye to see the human being behind the fabricated illusion, which shows what the negative conditioning we’re subjected to is capable of doing to an unconscious mind following it blindly.

We’ve all the power at hand to stand strong against darkness, no matter the circumstances. We just need to acquire knowledge as much as we can about anything required to live a conscious and meaningful life. Intimidation, prosecution, discrimination, or any type of violation of fundamental human rights have no power or influence on a conscious mind. The more we realise it, the better we understand how powerful and resourceful we’re about our own life.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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