The more we keep consciousness at hand to observe the present moment, the better we start understanding that time has passed but modern society is still the same as the one observed in ancient times. We have just changed a bit the common rules to prevent indiscriminate slaughtering on different disputes happening in areas with a more dense population. Deception, corruption, racism, discrimination, and any negativity are still being promoted by darkness, with a small but fundamental change: if we are not aligned with the chaotic behaviour established, we are considered sick and delusional, which is seen as a symptom of mental illnesses. Let’s just remember that the meaning of the prefix ‘de’ in English language denotes ‘removal or reversal’, which indicates that the society we live in is indeed an illusory scene fabricated and agreed by all conditioned minds present in a given environment.

It’s by keeping consciousness at hand that we are able to understand that we live in a big and fabricated illusion in the current society we are part of. We get used to believing that everything is fine and works well until we need to access some “available resources” to find out those resources are not there. More advanced and developed countries keep that illusion-factor at minimum, which means that the majority of services and resources provided to the population are really there and working, besides the fact they are mixed with illusory parts of living in modern society.

It’s by living in such a big illusory scene that we live in an almost perfect behaviour side-by-side with wars, conflicts, violations of human rights, and a lot of negativity that has little or no explanation if we consider the already established treaties and common laws. That huge negativity is a trace of the reality behind the scenes, where treaties and laws are disregarded, making the illusory power of money and politics the one single illusory rule imposed when dealing with humanity, lives, and both present and future of people abroad.

There is no law establishing that a person with huge financial and political power can do almost whatever they want, mainly in under-development or extremely poor countries. However, in practice, it is still happening, being not much different than what was observed in ancient times where common laws were little or non-existent.

We live—indeed—in an illusory scene, where we are forced and conditioned to accept with little or no understanding that the common laws are created to protect those who have illusory influence of money and political power. We have been conditioned to believe that rights are always hand-to-hand with who has more resources, even if it is not clear in the scene observed. Sometimes someone who has a huge financial and political power is not present in the scene but represents and backs up someone else who appears to be less resourceful.

Modern society is almost as equal as the ancient ones but with the illusory-factor reaching higher levels depending on the place we are living in the present moment.

The more we realise it, the better we understand why keeping consciousness at hand and walking the path towards a meaningful life is an extremely heavy weight to carry on in the middle of the modern society we live in. Therefore, we need to become stronger to diminish the illusions we have contact with, making the world a wonderful place to live in.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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