There’re always things we have to realise in order to understand that those things are offering support for self-enhancement, i.e, the foundation for personal evolution. It’s by keeping consciousness at hand that we can observe, analyse, and recognise a lot of scenes, sources, and things, which become assets at hand when drawing suitable strategies to face darkness in the environment we are inserted into. The more we realise every single situation we have experienced is a huge source of knowledge we have at hand, the better we understand that keeping consciousness at hand is the only way of using that knowledge to attain higher levels of peace of mind, walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Personal evolution is the only way of facing darkness in the environment we are inserted into. We need to enhance both our physical and mental strength, relaxing the body and attaining higher levels of peace of mind, step by step, one stage after another. It’s only through understanding our personal evolution that we can understand what happens deep within while walking the path towards a meaningful life.

It’s through understanding the presence of the unlimited power we have deep within that we can understand how to become fearless, and prepared to face and deal with anything before us, no matter the circumstances. There’s no darkness before light, and if we get intimidated by the presence of darkness, or any negative scene and behaviour in the surroundings, we are nothing more than experiencing a period of suffering.

The moment we realise what personal evolution means, it is the moment we understand evolution does not lead the self towards the path of darkness.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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