We need to be aware and awaken of what happens in the present moment, relying on our senses to observe, analyse, and understand anything from our own perspective and relativity. The more we realise the current configuration of the scene we are part of, the more we understand the type of threat we have to face and deal with while walking the path towards a meaningful life.

Facing darkness is like performing a training session without any knowledge of what will happen during the practice time. We need to develop the capability to respond fast to the challenge, difficulty, and threat we are facing, simulating a war zone where any wrong movement has the potential to be the last one we do. Considering we have no interest in keeping living in an obnoxious and harsh environment like that, if we have no choice in the present moment, we have to learn how to adapt without losing our humanity and capability to care about life as the ultimate goal. Therefore, the first part of our mind and body training, which may last for years long, is ruling our mind regarding the negative conditioning and stimulation we receive from the outside, confining and diminishing the cultivation and nurturing of negativity deep within.

The more we learn how to confine the negativity deep inside, restraining any negative reaction to moments when we are in the heart of our own privacy and alone in the environment we chose to do so, the better we mould our training to achieve the understanding required to transform any negative energy into a positive outcome. It’s a life time practice where we improve step by step, acquiring knowledge and wisdom from the experiences we are exposed to.

Keeping consciousness at hand is then fundamental to face darkness and adapt the self to deal with the unknown. Every single day has the potential to show us either a wonderful or a deteriorating side of living a life surrounded by darkness. We just need to put aside the negativity, and transform anything into motivation to enhance the self, stepping into our personal evolution.

The better the results we obtain from the body and mind training we perform, which is part of the strategy we have drawn for the moment, the higher is the level of peace of mind we can attain, preparing the self to walk the path towards a meaningful life in the face of the current threats we are facing, eventually.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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