We need to be aware and awaken to the threats present in the surroundings, mainly the ones hidden, which have the power to poison our food, air, and any type of environment condition. We need to perform our body and mind training to be able to keep up with the worsening and hardening of the challenges and difficulties we face and deal with. Let’s just remember that we’ve an unlimited power deep within, which is at our full disposal when we keep consciousness at hand and attain higher levels of peace of mind.

Dealing with the poisoning acts of the environment we’re inserted into is something that needs training. The adaptation happens step by step, enhancing the self using our own pace. When observing consciously and meaningfully the surroundings, we would be able to hear a lot of garbage associated with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to. As a consequence, we need to keep walking the path no matter how deceptive, harsh, or obnoxious an environment can be.

In order to deal with our own suffering, we need to understand that obnoxious situations we may experience are caused by suffering. Therefore, the big dilemma is present: we’ve to see a life before the self and not only the obnoxious behaviour that is mixed with the deceptive actions we've come into contact with. As we are not able to control others, which includes their own suffering, we’ve to be prepared to defend life no matter the circumstances.

The more we’re awakened to what happens in the present moment, the better we prepare the self to respond with self-defence manoueuvres if, and only if, required to.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11aUD8-bAV6Sl0JYDyc5vCGJt2M47KMMN/view?usp=drivesdk

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