We need to keep consciousness at hand in order to face darkness in the environment we're inserted into. It's extremely important that we observe what happens within when negativity is extremely active in the surroundings. If that negativity present in the vicinity is influencing the self to open room for negativity to enter and grow inside, we need to draw suitable strategies to confine that negativity, taking advantage of its presence to boost either our strength or resilience against darkness. The more we're aware of the presence of darkness in the surroundings, the better we can deal with our own suffering, diminishing the negative energy within, and converting it into light no matter the circumstances.

It's time to be aware of the amount of negativity we've contact with, identifying anything aside from our love nature with the power to deteriorate the self. It's that negativity we need to diminish the influence on the self. Instead of embracing darkness, becoming a slave of our own suffering, we can use the negativity in our benefit, boosting our strength and resilience to keep walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

The more we identify the negative behaviours, patterns, and the movement of negative energies in the surroundings, the better we can adapt to diminish its influence on the self. During the adaptation period it's important to be soft with the self and others, as we're in the phase of creating our own version of a unique protocol with the goal of diminishing the negativity deep within, together with the use of the remaining negative energy as a support to step into our personal evolution.

The moment we realise that the unique protocol we're developing to face darkness is aligned with the impermanence of the universe, it's the moment we understand it's tightly related with our personal evolution.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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