We need to learn how to identify the challenges and difficulties we're facing and dealing with in the environment we're inserted into. It's time to realise and understand that our own suffering isn't always the source of the problem but it has the power to make it worse. The more we realise and recognise where the source of anything aside from our love nature is, the easier it's to deal with our own suffering, understanding its origins and diminishing the negative charge it may impose on the self.

We've all we need at hand while facing darkness and dealing with the negative conditioning we're subjected to. We just need to start performing our body and mind training to enhance the self, stepping into our personal evolution to become stronger, establishing a solid yet resilient posture to deal with anything aside of our love nature that presents itself before us.

We need to acquire knowledge, stepping into our reasoning process, making questions, seeking answers, and understanding the sequence of events we enrol in while being part of different situations and scenes in the environment we're inserted into. We need to experience our personal evolution, feeling the growth of the love energy within the self. We need to neither believe nor follow but understand the path we're walking through. The journey needs to make sense in a similar way it does while we're solving a puzzle.

The moment we realise the meaning of all pieces of the big puzzle of life that we're walking through the solution, it's the moment we understand that such a puzzle may not get all pieces on the board. As a consequence, it means that future generations may have to walk through it until a new one presents itself as part of the evolution of the species.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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