We were born free as well as our own mind. The slavery of the mind is something we are observing in the present moment, which we get to experience when we embrace the negative conditioning we are subjected to. Being a slave of the mind is not being capable of making their own decisions in a conscious and meaningful way, following another’s perspective, indications, directions, impositions, or anything that is apart from the free wheel of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions our mind is able to perform. Slavery has been abolished for some time and now it’s our duty to prevent another wave and type of slavery related to the mind and our capability to make our own decisions. The more we realise that embracing darkness and the negative conditioning we are subjected to is becoming a slave of the mind, the better we understand that keeping consciousness at hand to prevent darkness to rule and control the self is the only way to be free to exercise it in the environment we are inserted into. There’s no more room for slavery of any type, including being a slave of the mind by any means or circumstances.

Our thoughts are free and we haven’t to pay taxes or share what we are thinking every time we make up our mind about something. If it happens without our clear informed-consent by any circumstances, we have a violation of our fundamental human rights going on in place. However, it’s extremely difficult to draw a clear line that prevent another to trespass our personal space, mainly if we consider the huge negative conditioning we are subjected to, which may imply the experience of periods of suffering that incurs becoming a slave of the mind, which is turning into a practice being disseminated all around as something we must accept as a belief with no questions asked.

We are not slaves of any type, and we were not born to be one. No one has any right to make another a slave of any type, including trying to harm or put difficulties to the life of another just to impose—directly or indirectly—acceptance of a situation where the person has no more autonomy to decide what to do with their life. That is the imposed and hidden prison Buddha, the enlightened one, has freed himself from when stepping out of the throne succession and luxury of the palace to pursue the path of enlightenment. Instead of becoming a slave of the mind, remaining surrounded by all the luxuries and comforts a life as a king in the palace could provide him, he has decided to walk away from everything that had the power to enslave his own mind.

One of the most important teachings of Buddha, the enlightened one, is that we are equals no matter what, which is something his holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, is used to saying a lot. No matter our current situation, we are not slaves of any type. If we have been treated like one, the only way to free ourselves from that awful situation is through knowledge acquisition, performing our body and mind training to attain higher levels of peace of mind while observing the environment we are inserted into with careful but conscious and meaningful attitude.

When we keep consciousness at hand, it becomes easy to observe that a lot of minds in suffering accept to be slaves of their own limitations of expressions and thoughts, being eager to force another to experience the same condition they are experiencing in a negative way. A mind in suffering cannot see happiness on the outside and needs to destroy it at any cost, just to make the surroundings a comfortable place to the suffering they are experiencing. The more they become eager to see what they want in the surroundings, the more incisive they are in forcing an outcome they cannot achieve without violating the fundamental human rights and committing atrocities all around. The common laws were intended to protect the shared environment against that type of behaviour. However, in practice, as common laws are not applied equally to everyone, we have ended up observing, facing, and experiencing violation of fundamental human rights every single day, where the only way to defend the self against is keeping consciousness at hand.

The more we realise how to liberate the self from being a slave of the mind, the better we understand that we were born free as well as our own mind.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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