We’re capable of facing darkness in the environment we’re inserted into. However, most of the time, we’re experiencing a deep period of suffering that is related to the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, which makes our unconscious mind to believe we’re not enough. The fear of darkness dominates the self, and therefore prevents a person to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. It’s just through the acquisition of knowledge, and the evolution of our body and mind training, that we can establish a strong and resilient posture to deal with the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The more we establish a solid foundation to cultivate and nurture our beautiful light from the inside out, the easier it’s to step into our personal evolution.

Enough is enough. It’s not possible to turn our back on the huge amount of negative energy generated through the promotion of negative conditioning in the environment we’re inserted into. We’ve reached the dangerous stage where children are getting involved in the dirty work of people experiencing suffering, who have the goal to harm another while using a child as either a puppet or shield during their actions. An innocent child, who has no consciousness of what’s happening in the present moment. An innocent child, whose responsibility is having no responsibility but acquiring as much knowledge as they can to grow as close as possible to our love nature. An innocent child that has been conditioned to accept—with no understanding—the promotion of hatred culture, putting hate as replacement of love.

It’s time to stop using children to do the dirty work someone else is planning to do while experiencing suffering. We need to ensure we keep consciousness at hand to prevent children from getting contaminated and conditioned by the huge wave of hate we observe in the environment we’re inserted into. Children are not puppets. Children are not shields. Children are just children, i.e., innocent beings that must be protected no matter the circumstances.

We all were children in the past. And if we keep consciousness at hand we always choose to protect children from the negativity we observe, experience, and deal with in the surroundings.

The moment we realise stepping into our personal evolution involves taking care of children, preventing them to get involved and having contact with darkness and the huge amount of negativity all around, it’s the moment we understand why keeping consciousness at hand is essential to walk the path towards a meaningful life.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nCpcRAvMRmvEJEzvptQWs7L8e7Okct_j/view?usp=sharing

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