We've an important duty of hardening our mind, preventing the self to embrace the negative conditioning we're subjected to, which makes it easier to someone else 'rule' our thoughts and actions, i.e., we become a puppet in their hands. When we keep consciousness at hand we're able to remember situations where—for some reason we're not able to explain—our unconscious mind gets on the driver's seat, and we start doing things with the sensation that we've no idea what happens in the present moment, as if we've been controlled by someone else. That aforementioned sensation and the actions we cannot explain properly are the result of the weak mind we've been developing, which is derived from the negative conditioning we're subjected to. We need to start—as soon as possible—our mind training, hardening our mind and increasing the power of our consciousness to prevent being either influenced or controlled by someone else. The more we keep consciousness at hand, ruling our mind and thoughts, the easier it's to prevent the self from being controlled by someone else, no matter the circumstances.

We need to start hardening our mind through regular mind training, which is usually combined with exercises to make our body stronger. It's extremely important that we perform our body and mind training to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, preventing the self from being in situations where—after a while—we find ourselves knowing and understanding nothing of what we'’e doing or what has just happened. That "slave sensation" is the result of not being able to keep consciousness at hand, and we need to change that in order to be able to face darkness in a conscious and meaningful way.

We need to stop that loop of suffering and the puppet-like moments. We're not puppets and we're not meant to be neither controlled nor ruled by someone else as they please. We're unique and beautiful creatures of love, with autonomy to do anything aligned with our love nature.

The more we perform our body and mind training, keeping consciousness at hand and ruling our own mind, the easier it's to free the self from the influence of darkness, stopping the puppet-like moments in a conscious and meaningful way.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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