We've potential to achieve the impossible, facing huge adversities and overcoming any challenge or difficulty before the self. We just need to keep consciousness at hand, using the unlimited power we've within, instead of embracing darkness, its associated negative conditioning we're subjected to, and the huge negativity we've contact with in the environment we're inserted into. The more we realise the unlimitless nature of our true and genuine power of love, the better we understand how to cultivate, nurture, and manifest our beautiful light from the inside out.

When observing consciously and meaningfully the surroundings, and the environment we're inserted into, it becomes crystal clear that the first step of our body and mind training is getting used to the presence of darkness, and the huge amount of negativity associated with it. It's only when we get used to experiencing negativity with no fear of what we're facing that we achieve the fundamental level required to step into our personal evolution, where we can start understanding the importance of keeping consciousness at hand to deal with our own suffering, and the suffering of others disturbing the scene, the surroundings, and/or the environment we're inserted into.

Instead of being conditioned by the huge amount of negativity we've contact with, becoming a slave of our own suffering, we can step into the abolition of slavery within our own perspective and relativity, starting assuming the role of ruler of our own mind. Everything becomes easier when we assume that rightful place to dictate what our own life is all about, heading towards the path of a meaningful life, which configures an orthogonal direction of the path associated with darkness. As a consequence, we've to be prepared to deal with obnoxious situations, and the suffering of others, mainly the ones who worship evil's mind associated with the presence of darkness. In other words, we've to perform our body and mind training to deal with the results of the proliferation of negative conditioning all around, which configures what we know better as hatred culture.

The moment we realise how to get used to facing darkness, and dealing with the negative conditioning we're subjected to, it's the moment we understand no one can do anything to the self without our own permission. It means that the solution for any problem we are dealing with in the present moment can only be achieved through the conscious and meaningful use of the unlimited power we've deep within.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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