We've to be prepared to face negative intentions in the surroundings, as well as dealing with our own suffering generating negativity deep within. The more we disregard those two fundamental sources of negativity we have to deal with, the more difficult it's to deal with negative behaviours, actions, consequences and anything aside from our love nature that we've no control of. It's time to put things in perspective, observing carefully the self and the surroundings using our third eye,  acquiring priceless pieces of knowledge to help the self in the duty of facing darkness no matter the circumstances. The moment we realise what are the negative intentions we have to face in the surroundings, it is the moment we understand how to deal with our own suffering while stepping into our personal evolution, diminishing negativity within our own perspective and relativity.

We need to stop being naive, stepping out of the loop of suffering that disregard the distinguished sources of negativity we have to deal with during our life journey. It's important to realise what happens in the present moment, keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, establishing a peaceful yet strong and solid attitude towards the self and others, embracing light and the beauty of our love nature anytime and anywhere.

Negative intentions observed in the surroundings are things we've no control of. However, it doesn't mean we've no way to deal with them, diminishing their awful potential to do harm to the self and others. It's by the recognition of their existence that we can get better prepared to deal with their related negative actions, behaviours, and consequences in a conscious and meaningful way. It's important to realise the awful and harmful potential of the presence of darkness in the environment we are inserted into, focusing all the efforts to enhance the self instead of trying to end what is in the surroundings, which is placing difficulties in our daily activities. The more we realise it, the better we understand the need to become stronger and resilient against anything aside from our love nature.

It's only when we recognise the existence of negative intentions we've to deal with---but we've no control of---that we start acquiring a better understanding of our own suffering. With that priceless piece of knowledge at hand we start drawing suitable strategies to keep walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. We're capable of unimaginable things, which the materialisation and manifestation depends only on the self.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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