We've to learn the types of illusions we've contact with, identifying the nuances and the patterns associated with any type of negative energy before the self. It's time to realise how we can step into our personal evolution, transforming the self into a strong, resilient, and hermetically-closed being, whose negativity isn't able to grow deep inside. We need to learn how to cultivate and nurture our beautiful light, manifesting it in a conscious and meaningful way. Light is love, and love is light. The more we realise it, the better we understand why it has an unlimited nature.

Light and love, love and light. The more we cultivate and nurture the beautiful light deep within, the more we flourish our love nature from the inside out. We're creatures of love, and therefore sources of light. We love and we live. We observe and we learn. We think and we analyse. We acquire knowledge and we understand.

The process of becoming light is nothing more than being aligned with our love nature, getting back to the origins where love is at its highest level. The unconscious and pure source of light that was born free. The powerful creature that is capable of delivering a huge amount of positive energy all around.

Keeping consciousness at hand allows the self to attain higher levels of peace of mind, where we can surpass the limits of energy we were able to manifest when we were born. The vivid, conscious, positive, and unlimited power protecting the self from the presence of darkness and negativity all around.

The more we realise how the power of love can change and transform the self into a strong fortress to face anything no matter the circumstances, the better we understand how its unlimited nature supports our personal evolution.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F5bJkqPTmcw-8LcqVWx-xM1tiqJhdPcz/view?usp=sharing

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