It's extremely important that we learn how to defend the self in the environment we're inserted into, mainly against a hidden adversary working in the shadows, i.e., darkness itself. It's challenging to face an adversary lacking honour and performing (usually) indirect only actions to manipulate the environment we're inserted into, enforcing and imposing a type of control targeting the restriction of available resources we may have at hand. It implies clear measures of intimidation and prosecution, involving letting the self neither go away nor having peaceful and harmonious interactions with the local community if not part of a planned orchestration in place. The goal is clear: conditioning measures to make people slaves of their own suffering, presenting either violent or desperate behaviours while interacting in public with random persons. The more we realise the presence of such slavery-related environment, the easier it's to understand the importance of self-defence to keep walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.
The worst external adversary we've to deal with while living in the middle of society is the presence of darkness. Darkness is a hidden adversary performing (usually) indirect only actions, which means, there's no direct confrontation in the attempt of imposing something or restraining the access of resources available in the environment we're inserted into.
We need to perform our body and mind training, sharpening our skills to recognise and understand the obnoxious behaviour promoted by darkness, which cannot be observed through our naked eyes. We need our third eye to clearly see it before the self, being able to draw suitable strategies to mitigate the negative impact on our life in the environment we're inserted into.
This type of behaviour promoted by darkness configures a similar plot observed during the periods of both World War II and Cold War. However, the results are increasingly worse: we're observing, more and more, people having no consciousness of what happens in the present moment, becoming slaves of their own suffering without even noticing it. Thus, we need to keep aware and awaken, hoping the majority of the population achieve the same clarity of mind we've attained already.
The moment we realise it's only through self-defence we can keep walking the path towards a meaningful life while facing a manipulated environment, it's the moment we understand why we need to rely on the self, cultivating and nurturing our beautiful life deep within no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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