It’s extremely important that we learn how to achieve full control of our body and mind, enabling the self to step into our personal evolution while performing our training. It’s essential we keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, allowing the self to be aware and awakened about what happens in the present moment. It’s from the use of our consciousness that we can see darkness as minds in suffering we’ve no reason to fear of, embracing no negative conditioning, and therefore, learning self-defence techniques to use if, and only if, a mind in suffering isn’t able to attain consciousness, and continues to trespass our personal space in deceptive and harmful ways, threatening our own life, and the lives of sentient beings related to us.
Evolution is something we do every single day of our existence. We just need to pay attention to what happens in the present moment, enabling the self to recognise the traces of the astonishing power we’re able to manifest from the inside out.
It’s time to realise we’ve no control of others, and therefore, we can expect nothing, implying the need to be prepared to deal with any negative behaviour before the self, mainly when talking about jealousy, and the eagerness of people experiencing suffering with no consciousness about that. It’s time to understand that we’re creatures of love, part of the amazing universe, which the impermanence can be contemplated in a conscious and meaningful way.
We’ve the potential to achieve and do the impossible while facing darkness, understanding our own suffering, and dealing with negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s a matter of recognising the intelligence, acquiring knowledge, developing wisdom, and understanding the presence of such intelligence becomes useless if we’ve no consciousness of what happens in the present moment, being not able to prevent the rise of the intelligence of darkness, which means the use of intelligence to to do harm towards others.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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