When we’re facing darkness, dealing with challenges and difficulties posed in the environment we’re inserted into, the easy path is to get desperate, embracing the negative conditioning we’re subjected to. Sometimes we need to get such an easy path to realise the extension of a period of suffering. Therefore, everytime we get the easy path, we measure the extension of our own suffering. On the other hand, the moment we decide to keep our mind at peace, we can measure the suffering of another when we’re sure a given person has the clear goal to see us struggling, as our peace of mind isn’t the expected reaction. As a consequence, understanding our own suffering is the only way to be sure we’ve no control on the outside yet we’ve all control over the self and anything related to the reign of our own mind.

Besides the understanding of our own suffering, it’s also essential to observe and recognise who’s in the surroundings, and how the purpose of a given person surrounding us is. If we find out that a person surrounding us is having pleasure in seeing us struggling, we’ve just discovered the key to unlock the door of how to properly deal with uncertainty and the impermanence of the universe itself when such impermanence implies experiencing difficulties in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s an easy catch. We’ve just discovered the way out of our own suffering.

The moment we start struggling, it’s the moment we’ve the clear sensation that all difficulties we’re observing in the environment we’re inserted into just disappear, in a similar way of a goal accomplished before receiving a reward. Therefore, that struggling we experience embraces the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, establishing a clear message to our brain that struggling is the solution of all problems. However, when struggling offers no help, the conditioned message received by our own brain is that we need external assistance. That’s the wrong message our unconscious mind is attempting to teach our body and its conscious counterpart. It’s an illusion; a big one.

Peace of mind is the way of light, and sometimes it represents following the hardest path. If we’re in the middle of a deceptive environment, where suffering is the norm, attaining higher levels of peace of mind represents a huge threatening state to what has been standardised as “normal”. We need to achieve that clarity of mind.

The moment we realise the decision of not embracing suffering is always ours to make, it’s the moment we understand we’ve full control of the self, and no one or nothing can do anything with us without our own permission.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ukw7XoB5m7hFyFWIob_4vzQ5_86TQ_ci/view?usp=drivesdk

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