Discrimination and racism are things we deal with through knowledge. There’s no other way to deal with the suffering of others who practise such type of awfulness against another human being. Discrimination and racism are in the roots of the society we’re part of. It’s in the lack of science observed in the fabrication, classification, description, and diagnosis of mental health issues; it’s in the clear bending of the laws to favour the ones who offer rewards in exchange of disregardment; it’s in every aspect of life not aligned with our love nature. The more we see it, the more scared we may be if experiencing a period of suffering. That’s the reason we need to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.

If we know, we know, and we need consciousness at hand to materialise all knowledge we’ve acquired in the present moment. It’s important to understand any outcome resulting from the observation of discriminatory and racist acts against another human being isn’t negotiable. Every sentient being experiencing suffering, and practising any type of discrimination and racism, have to bear the consequences of their suffering, and no one can help a person about that, even when we’re in an environment where the majority performs such awful practices. It’s the natural law of the universe, and we’ve no way to run from it.

Understanding our own suffering is essential to prevent performing brainless actions in public, and therefore, regretting the requirement to deal with the negative consequences of such moments of rage and lack of consciousness. We need to perform our body and mind training to keep consciousness at hand, even if we get surrounded by a group of people who practise discriminatory and racist acts against us. That’s the hard part of the process: being strong and resilient to embrace negative conditioning no more.

The moment we’ve crystal clear in our mind how to prevent the self to embrace darkness, it’s the moment we understand how to boost our light, tapping into the unlimited power we’ve deep within.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ebgWiNfuHtwEdfQn3HfCe1XEZ6GGfUc/view?usp=drivesdk

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