Facing darkness is extremely difficult yet offers the deepest understanding of the self when before a huge amount of discrimination and deception, which is practised behind the scenes. In order to deal with the negativity associated with the presence of darkness, we need awareness and clarity of mind. We need to wake up. We need to identify, seeking deep in our mind, the moment we’ve had a chip implanted, which is the source of the majority of negative stimulation we’ve contact with in the present moment. It’s from attaining clarity of mind that we need to learn how to attenuate any negative stimulation reaching our brain from the inside, causing our body to have sensations our mind needs to deal with and compensate for. The moment we realise the presence of such a chip, it’s the moment we understand the type of negative conditioning we’ve to deal with, and how we can perform our body and mind training to become stronger than any type of negative stimulation we may receive from the environment we’re inserted into.

It’s up to us, and it’s our duty to step into our personal evolution. It’s by stepping into our personal evolution that we can be prepared to face darkness no matter the circumstances.

We need to perform our body and mind training as a matter of attaining higher levels of peace of mind, which is essential to start learning how to identify and find the sources of negativity we need to deal with in the present moment. The effectiveness of negative conditioning depends on the lack of awareness, clarity of mind, and understanding of what happens in the present moment. Therefore, the more conscious we’re, the easier it becomes to deal with obnoxious situations before the self.

The chip is there, sometimes since childhood where we’ve little or no true consciousness of what happens in the present moment. We need to wake up, stepping out of our own suffering and getting intimidated by the presence of darkness no more.

We need to put clear into our mind that we’re unique, and no matter who we’re, we all are special, deserving of all the love and happiness we can experience in the present moment.

Let’s find the chip and work in our body and mind training to attenuate its negative conditioning until reaching a solution capable of either making such a chip disappear or attenuating its negative conditioning until it causes no more negativity deep within.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Czz5LAFP9cz3Rm_kxpmOgnJUqzqpEDMe/view?usp=drivesdk

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