It’s extremely important that we stand strong and resilient against the presence of darkness, not enrolling into the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, at the same time of getting prepared to deal with any type of situation presented before the self. We know what happens when darkness is present, and we also know it’s challenging to be into a place dominated by hatred culture while keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. Making things short: we’ve to be honoured yet prepared to face dishonour, i.e., facing unconscious minds who consider no existence of commons laws applied to themselves, using financial and political power for doing anything in the environment we’re inserted into. If we can resist it, we’ve indeed attained a higher level of peace of mind, being on the track of the path towards a meaningful life.
When we either decide to or cannot isolate ourselves from the society we’re inserted into, the only option available for a conscious mind is getting prepared to face darkness, dealing with obnoxious situations on a daily basis, almost 24/7. If we incorporate no resilient mindset, we wouldn’t be able to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. Thus, we need to practise in order to master the full control of our consciousness.
It’s by attaining higher levels of peace of mind, and becoming the ruler of our own mind, that we’re able to open our third eye consciously and meaningfully, observing, analysing, and understanding the type of threats, challenges, and difficulties a conscious mind has to face in an environment dominated by hatred culture. Apart from our own suffering, one of the worst threats we face is the fabrication of external illusions distorting what happens in the surroundings. We can only see such distortions when we understand our own suffering, stepping out of it in a conscious way. In that moment, we understand we’re powerless against any event happening in the surroundings; we’re, otherwise, at full control of our own perspective and relativity, i.e., if something violates our personal space, trespassing the limit separating the outside from the self, in that only specific moment, we’re allowed to act in self-defence. It’s a simple rule of preserving life at any cost, as life is the most precious gift we’ve at hand. Thus, we know what to do if that violation happens, as we’ve achieved full consciousness in the present moment.
Let’s read it carefully: don’t enrol into a fight, which means, don’t perform the first move of using violence to do anything. Avoid it at all costs, and wait carefully, using consciousness to find a suitable solution for the situation posed before the self. However, perform body and mind training to be prepared to use all knowledge acquired to defend the self if receiving an attack, directly or indirectly, with the power to harm the self and/or someone else we’ve relation with. Being peaceful doesn’t mean committing suicide by allowing anyone doing anything within our own perspective and relativity. When we achieve such understanding, we establish a fearless yet peaceful mind to face darkness no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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