It’s important to face darkness in a conscious and meaningful way, as we’ve to deal with dishonour, deception, and huge pressure to make the self step into a period of suffering, manifesting negative emotions in public places, and as a consequence, following a negative conditioning trying to harm another. What no one speaks of is what darkness does behind the scenes, which includes hidden obnoxious events happening in the beginning of all negativity being observed. That’s why we need to become strong, resilient, and peaceful, as we’ve to fight an unwanted war against a hidden and dishonoured adversary, and in the meantime, dealing and confining our worst enemy to prevent it negatively influencing the self in the present moment. Thus, understanding our own suffering is the only way to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings, no matter how many dirty actions we need to deal with.

Fighting a war we’ve no intention to get the self in is one of the most difficult things we can do in our entire life. And even when we decide to not fight, the dishonour and deception observed requires us to apply defensive manoeuvres, resulting in enrolling into such a fight for survivability. The goal of darkness is simple: making the self furious and angry with all restrictions and discrimination imposed, trying to trigger a period of suffering based on the manifestation of negative emotions, and therefore, the commitment of brainless actions to harm another. That’s crystal clear for a conscious mind, and in the middle of the illusions we’ve contact with in the society we’re part of, having financial resources at hand can make more difficult for darkness to make stealth attacks at close distance, mainly considering the massive use of close-range technologies such as Bluetooth, and the security breaches they’re still shipped with.

Thus, in the middle of the 21st century society we’re part of, if we would like to keep consciousness at hand while keeping ourselves close to what we call civilisation, or even if we’ve no resources or means to isolate ourselves from the masses in a long-term decision starting in the present moment, we need to understand that being conscious means making a sacrifice of facing dishonour, deception, illusions, discrimination, racism, and a lot of other things similar to what the Nazi regime has done with Jewish people in a daily basis. It’s happen, and it will continue to happen until everyone (without exception) attain a minimum level of consciousness required to accept discrimination of any type no more, which includes the discrimination and slavery-related measures performed by Psychiatry and their promoters, as the renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Thomas Szasz, has already explained in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

We need to be strong, finding the source of our motivation deep within, manifesting our beautiful light from the inside out, and understanding the moment we attain higher levels of peace of mind, it’s the moment we can tap into the unlimited power we’ve dormant deep within. After that, we need to keep performing our body and mind training to unlock the next levels of our personal evolution, which we’re just aware of their singular magnitudes when we start feeling them consciously and meaningfully.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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