It’s important to realise the unlimited power we’ve deep within, and how we can tap into and connect to that power consciously and meaningfully. The current state of the society we’re part of, which is dominated by hatred culture, is alarming. As conscious beings, who work to establish a peaceful and suitable place to live in, facing darkness and dealing with its promoted negative conditioning isn’t something we’re proud of, although it becomes a requirement to keep walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. The more we realise that, the better we understand how many unconscious and darkness-related minds we need to deal with in the present moment, until reaching a period when those people wake up for the real reason of experiencing life.

There’s nothing we can do to the outside, yet we can take the time and opportunity to enhance the self, stepping into our personal evolution in a conscious and meaningful way. We need to become better in every aspect: stronger, more resilient, more intelligent, wiser, and also working on the strengthening of the relationship between all our abilities, being a person in constant and infinite development. With such a mindset settled, we’ve no reason to fear anyone or anything. We just need to live with the certainty we’re heading towards the right direction, with more or less challenging situations, which depends on both the environment we’re inserted into and the level of dominance darkness and hatred culture have already reached in that environment.

We’ve all we need at hand to face or deal with the unknown, becoming totally aligned with our love nature and the universe itself, experiencing its impermanence as a way of growing and enhancing. Every time we’ve to deal with dishonour, deception, and the lack of consciousness observed in the surroundings, it’s a reassurance we’re indeed heading towards the right direction, even if the situation we’re part of in the present moment isn’t the best situation we could put ourselves in. That reassurance becomes a vivid and solid rock that no stone can break if we can understand our own suffering, keep any negativity derived from it confined, and transform such negative energy into positivity that boosts our motivation to live a meaningful life.

We just need to understand who we’re, and start working on cultivating, nurturing, and liberating our beautiful light from the inside out, and therefore we can experience the state of feeding no darkness while manifesting our astonishing light.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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