It’s important we don’t kneel before darkness, no matter the circumstances. The more we get intimidated by darkness, the less we’re able to face it in a conscious and meaningful way. We need to get prepared to face dishonour, deception, and injustice. Unfortunately, darkness is everywhere, and it’s quite related to corruption and problems we observe within states regarding dubious governing actions, laws violations, wars (the war ongoing between Russia and Ukraine is totally related to the presence of darkness), or anything not aligned with our love nature. The more we get conscious about that, the better we understand why hatred culture is in the roots of the current society.
Let’s be crystal clear of why it’s essential to face darkness within our own perspective and relativity. Darkness is established on top of hate, and hate is the central feeling of hatred culture. With that in mind, we start understanding that hatred culture—and darkness itself—is the manifestation of hate against a genuine balanced environment. If everything is harmonically related and well-established, an unconscious mind conditioned by darkness’ beliefs will attempt to cause an event to disturb such presented harmony. It’s the most important understanding about the presence of darkness we need to realise and incorporate in the present moment.
The war between Russia and Ukraine is a vivid example of that. The war has been ongoing for years now, and we cannot reach a peaceful agreement. Why? The answer isn’t simple but there’s a clear indication the “wanted peace” will only be achieved when Ukrainians become submissive to some type of regime established with, or without, Russia participation. People in Ukraine are suffering yet presenting a huge bravery to defend their land. The consequences of such bravery has resulted in bending no knees to darkness and its representation within Russia’s army forces. The true ending of such a war will only be achieved if the true adversary could be clearly identified. Such identification is extremely difficult to perform in the present moment as such an adversary presents similar behaviours of past deceptive byzantine generals, with the addition of being working on both sides of the conflict.
It’s not easy for Ukraine to resist the Russian army but I hope they will succeed in the duty of protecting their land. We can get inspired by Ukraine when facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, from the point of view of our own perspective and relativity. We need to keep performing our body and mind training, establishing a strong, resilient, yet peaceful posture to defend the self against the tyranny of darkness, which attempts to perform a regression of the society, where people were subjected to slavery practices.
The moment we realise how unlimited our power is, it’s the moment we understand neither no one nor nothing is capable of intimidating a conscious and peaceful mind.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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