It’s important we learn as much as we can to observe, analyse, and understand what happens in the present moment, enabling the self to step into the path towards a meaningful life, which is also the path related to our personal evolution. We can only make further progress in attaining higher levels of peace of mind when we achieve a clear understanding of how to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, which includes moments of suffering. It’s through such understanding that we can tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within, transforming the self into a machine-like creature, with the clear difference of being able to manifest and feel love as well as being conscious of everything happening in the present moment.

There’s no fear for a conscious mind, mainly when facing darkness and dealing with dishonour, deception, and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. There’s indeed consciousness, awareness, clarity, and understanding of who we’re, and what we can become when totally aligned with our love nature. The effort is almost the same, with the clear difference of applying our natural abilities and energy to become a better version of the self, spinning our evolutionary path instead of using such energy to feed and embrace darkness and hatred culture.

We can become extraordinary, connecting ourselves to nature, the universe, and the intrinsic impermanence of the natural rule orchestrating everything around us. It’s up to us to do good, and I know exactly what’s being in an environment where the only positivity we can experience is the one generated deep within. It’s possible, we just need to find out the right motivation boosting our capability of being light.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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