It’s indeed important to find out what our passion is, driving our conscious mind to transform the self into a strong and resilient being who enjoys any kind of activity they work on. When we find out that passion we start enjoying acquiring knowledge, and therefore, we can clearly identify the presence of darkness while performing what we like the most. Therefore, instead of getting angry and manifesting negative emotions, we can take the opportunity to learn the details of things that are not working well, establishing a clear segregation between the lack of knowledge and the influence of the environment itself into the process. As we cannot make fire into a place without oxygen, it’s useless putting a lot of effort on a task we already know will not work with such environmental conditions. The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand how to prize and reward all knowledge and wisdom we’ve acquired until the present moment.

Let’s do what we enjoy the most as the career we choose to pursue during our lifetime walking on this planet called Earth. Depending on the position we currently hold in the present moment, and how strong are both darkness and hatred culture itself in the environment we’re inserted into, going after the career we choose to pursue can be extremely challenging and difficult. However, if we find a way to make value of the journey and acquire priceless pieces of knowledge while thriving on such a path, we may not reach the initial goal we’ve settled but we will be indeed extremely happy with all the knowledge and wisdom we’ve acquired until the present moment. 

The situation described in the last paragraph just shows the infinity of life when we attain a genuine conscious and meaningful attitude, which makes us clearly see the illusion of the end of something while, actually, that end represents the revelation of extraordinary achievements towards our personal evolution. We’re not talking about experiencing deep negativity before something good starts to happen. We’re talking about attaining higher levels of peace of mind to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.

Let’s rely on the self and the capability to be resilient against anything not aligned with our love nature. If we cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within, we can keep consciousness at hand while walking the path towards a meaningful life. Let’s just do that.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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