It’s our duty to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep inside, manifesting all intrinsic potential our love nature has to offer. It’s extremely important to realise and understand that not all negativity we’re able to observe in the present moment has origins in the self, which means, there’s a lot of negativity fabricated on the outside, resulting from periods of suffering experienced by others. The more we realise and understand that, the easier it’s to become resilient against anything not aligned with our love nature.
It’s indeed our duty to understand the periods of suffering we may experience during our life journey. It’s through such understanding that we can better deal with the manifestation of others’ suffering, periods of suffering we’ve no control of. When we reach such understanding we just realise darkness is nothing more than a huge amount of suffering being generated and accumulated on the outside, and therefore, embracing it brings all the dirt we observe in the surroundings to the self, deep within. We’ve the power to prevent that with our own efforts, with the unlimited power we’ve deep inside.
We can surpass any amount of negativity we’ve contact with. We just need patience and resilience to keep performing our body and mind training, learning from our life journey and enhancing the self in a conscious and meaningful way. There’s no need to rush. We can do it at our own pace, in a way that’s suitable to, and adapted for, our current situation.
Let’s just be strong when darkness is before the self. The more we rely on our own intrinsic capabilities, the easier it’s to step into our personal evolution, attaining higher levels of peace of mind, and walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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