No matter the circumstances, it’s important to keep consciousness at hand, mainly when we find out the presence of darkness in the surroundings. Vengeance solves nothing, and we end up getting burned by our own destructive fire. We’re able to be much wiser than that. The goal of darkness is simple: getting the self out of mind in public eyes by any means, bending the common laws if required to. I know that reaching such understanding sucks the very deepest thought of our very narrow mind but it’s indeed the truth. Darkness is composed of minds in suffering, and minds in suffering are brainless by nature. A mind in suffering isn’t capable of reasoning yet presenting full capability of doing harm to another. It’s by achieving the clear understanding of what darkness is and represents that we can understand, consciously and meaningfully, it’s better to fight an infinite war against darkness than becoming one aligned with the very core of hatred culture.

The ultimate truth, one of the last stages of reaching full understanding of our own suffering is, indeed, the realisation of what darkness is and represents, together with the relation of it with vengeance itself. We need to understand the nature of darkness on our own to properly attain the clarity of mind required to see through our third eye that the deepest core of darkness is based on vengeance, hatred, and therefore, the way of destruction through a stealth and deceptive strategy.

Achieving such a vision isn’t easy, and it appears unbelievable at first. However, let’s look back to history and the evolution of humanity in order to realise and understand that the wheel of life is getting more and more lazy, almost stopping its natural movement of spinning the progress, and transforming itself into an advanced model with the passage of time. We’re now experiencing the results of centuries of regression, slowing down our own evolution. Instead of becoming stronger and more resilient, the majority of the population is becoming weaker and prone to suffering. It appears the majority has been domesticated to become obedient slaves, accepting slavery as a gift of the Gods.

Although we’ve no power over another, the full control of our mind is in our own hands. If we wisely use our consciousness we could see people have been marked like cows with identification chips. The end of privacy is approaching, and the full surveillance is undergoing by public policies dictated by the power of money instead of knowledge. We need no surveillance if education becomes the higher priority, where people clearly know the common laws, their rights and duties.

Educated people cannot be manipulated, and darkness fears educated people. The inversion of control gets applied, putting aside the influence of money in exchange of knowledge acquisition, which leads to caring about life as the ultimate goal.

We just need to open our eyes. The more educated a community is, the more aligned with our love nature and close to make further progress towards its better version it has potential to. And “educated” has nothing to do with academic degrees but the capability of asking questions and requiring understanding of everything happening in the present moment. An educated community cannot be conditioned by any means or circumstances.

If we’re conscious enough to understand what darkness is and represents, we’re one step closer to attain the full understanding of our own suffering, and why it’s better to fight an infinite war against darkness than becoming one aligned with the very core of hatred culture.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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