Once upon time, after mastering and establishing the full control of our consciousness, we need to observe negativity growing up deep inside, acquiring priceless pieces of knowledge to understand how we can use such type of energy in our favour. It’s by using both positive and negative sources of energy in total alignment with our love nature that we can establish a strong ans resilient posture to face darkness no matter the circumstances. That’s one important secret we only can reveal when attaining a higher level of peace of mind that enables the self to understand things clearly and meaningfully, mainly when experiencing a period of suffering, segregating precisely the illusions we’ve contact with from the reality we’re experiencing from our own perspective and relativity.

Facing darkness is something that is challenging and extremely difficult but, at the same time, offers us a unique opportunity to tap into an unimaginable hidden power, which is extremely difficult to realise the existence of. Tapping into such a power only can be done after mastering the full control of our consciousness, which is required to segregate illusions we’ve contact with from the reality we experience from our own perspective and relativity. The moment we can do that, it’s the moment we understand the foundation of the fearless posture we can assume while dealing with the unknown in a conscious and meaningful way.

When we know, we know. And that’s why we need to experience the awful and deteriorative behaviour promoted by darkness in order to understand why its negative influence needs to be diminished within our own perspective and relativity for the sake of the evolution of humanity. If we cannot eliminate the the negative outcome resulted from the negative influence of darkness, we’ll never step into our personal evolution, and therefore, we’ll never be able to face darkness in a conscious and meaningful way, mainly when in a total disadvantage, surrounded by a huge source of negativity in an environment dominated by hatred culture and slavery-oriented cultural traits.

It’s our duty to step into our personal evolution, and putting more value on life and knowledge is the only way to stop the regression of society dictated by the inversion of values promoted by the illusion of money.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1en5WDsNWblUBpXiZcKOIhoa-J8e9MWG8/view?usp=drivesdk

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