We need to develop an extremely conscious posture to realise and understand why, sometimes, we either experience or observe brainless behaviours. It’s all about suffering, and the urge manifestation of negative emotions. Some call it monkey mind but rather than putting the gorgeous monkeys as representatives of such awful behaviours, I prefer to call it darkness feat. Therefore, the moment we realise how to attain higher levels of peace of mind, keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, it’s the moment we understand how to perform a feat with darkness no more.
Being conscious is the most natural thing we can ever do in the present moment without even, sometimes, realising it. When we keep consciousness at hand to recognise the presence of darkness, and the negative conditioning we’re inserted into, we understand we’ve been conditioned to lose our capability to make decisions on our own, letting negative emotions untamed. We need to regain our natural ability of being conscious and making reason of what we experience in the present moment.
As a consequence of performing a decontamination of the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, we need to perform our body and mind training, boosting our immune system and enabling the self to step into our personal evolution, implying the possibility of facing darkness in a conscious and meaningful way.
It’s only when we decide to face darkness, distancing the self from hatred culture, that we realise how unlimited the power we’ve deep within is, and how we can tap into such power to get ready to keep a strong, resilient, and peaceful posture before darkness, understanding we can overcome any negativity generated either within or in the surroundings, no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZbLYGybOCPZSoFvecjURT0ur6hHsICDH/view?usp=drivesdk