When we start keeping consciousness at hand to begin walking through the understanding of our own suffering, we start observing and recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings, which is essential to understand the challenges and difficulties related to establishing a life in the current society we’re part of. The more we’re aware and awake to such a presence, the easier it’s to reestablish the alignment with our love nature, fortifying the foundation towards a strong, resilient, and peaceful posture before darkness and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.

It’s essential we start learning, as soon as we can, how to recognise the presence of darkness in the environment we’re inserted into, which---to be easier to refer to---we can call the supreme intelligence associated with all fabricated and chaotic behaviours we’ve to deal with in the environment we’re inserted into. We may also call it intelligence of darkness, darkness intelligence division, the conditioning partnership of darkness, or any other term classifying all chaotic behaviours which the established connection is suffering, i.e., something conditioned and present in cultural traits we’re exposed and subjected to.

With such wisdom at hand we can start acquiring the priceless piece of knowledge of being kind and compassionate as much as we can for the present moment, no matter if we’re either experiencing suffering or dealing with an obnoxious situation before the self. That priceless piece of knowledge is derived from the simple fact that we cannot control the outside, and therefore, we need to rule the self, keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. Establishing such a strong conscious, meaningful, and genuine fortress is enough to face darkness, segregating illusions we’ve contact with from anything aligned with our love nature we can either generate from the inside out or have contact with during conscious and meaningful interactions with someone who is also keeping consciousness at hand.

The moment we realise how powerful we’re, and how strong our beautiful light is against any type of negativity we may have contact with in the environment we’re inserted into, it’s the moment we understand why we can establish a fearless, conscious, and meaningful attitude to end up any trace of negative conditioning we may have incorporated during the life journey we’ve experienced until the present moment.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oddOzFVqgG0CMo9KjA-Rm0QnsCiFyJg8/view?usp=drivesdk

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