Acquiring  knowledge is never a waste of time. On the contrary, it’s a well-spent time that results in a positive outcome to the self, actively contributing to our personal evolution. While facing darkness it’s essential we get conscious of the importance of acquiring knowledge as much as we can, which prepares us to deal with obnoxious, deceptive, and unfair situations posed before the self. It’s only through knowledge acquisition that we can understand the importance of facing darkness, dealing with our own suffering, and attaining higher levels of peace of mind to tap into our personal evolution, liberating and manifesting the unlimited power we’ve deep within.

Let’s apply an inversion of control to use the acquired knowledge as a strong shield against the presence of darkness in the surroundings. It’s extremely important we understand the magnitude of the power we’ve at hand, recognising the huge amount of negativity surrounding the self, which is tightly related with the natural disasters and anything aside our love nature we’re observing in the present moment. There’s no more doubt about that, and it’s crystal clear we can only face it through knowledge acquisition and higher levels of peace of mind.

Dealing with deception requires developing diplomatic skills while living in the middle of the current society we’re part of. The diplomatic passport enables us to travel everywhere, doing anything, and responding to no one but the self, which implies two sides of the same coin. Good diplomacy is an honoured one, which makes everything to understand a given situation, and therefore, finding a solution aligned with our love nature, which cares about life as the ultimate goal. No life is either disregarded or left behind. On the other hand, bad diplomacy is the one considering life as a disposable commodity, which can be sold, traded, discarded, or treated like a thing, implying the observation of a peculiar behaviour: deception.

As a consequence, when we keep consciousness at hand to clearly understand the difference between good and bad diplomacy, we start understanding why bad diplomacy is in the roots of darkness, and therefore, why we’ve the duty of facing it in a conscious and meaningful way, establishing a strong and resilient posture to deal with any type of deceptive behaviour before the self.

The moment we realise how to develop the skills of a good diplomatic posture, it’s the moment we understand why it’s only through honour we can keep walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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