As the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz already published in his most known research work, mental illness is a myth, and therefore, he has related it to a modern form of slavery. As a consequence, we can say that a psychiatry’s diagnosis is the new black, a modern and, most of the time, law-allowed slavery method to ‘mark’ people in a similar way slaves have been marked in ancient times. The difference now is that—after diagnosis—we mix ‘imprisonment’ and ‘social restrictions’ with ‘freedom’, where ‘freedom’ means the possession of money together with a decision of the ones representing a state with slavery-oriented policies behind the scenes ‘attesting’ the low potential of a given person becoming a threat to them. The more we realise that, the better we understand the increase of mental-health diagnoses, and how it effectively restrains the lives of those who have been diagnosed while experiencing a huge period of suffering, being unable to regain consciousness in the present moment.

It’s crystal clear we are dealing with a modern method to enslave people, and therefore, we need to keep consciousness at hand to guarantee our independence conquered by our ancestors, who with the passage of time were able to free themselves from the allowed practice of slavery. Slavery is no more, and the use of psychiatry’s diagnoses to enslave people have to reach an end.

The renowned psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz dedicated a lifetime to alert people about the deceptive, manipulative, and non-scientific practice of psychiatry, making a clear relation of that practice with slavery. However, it seems the power of the illusion of money created by humankind has overcome the capability of reasoning, replacing it with a belief-oriented doctrine accepted by the masses of unconscious minds.

We’ve the duty to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, understanding our own suffering in a way we can diminish any negative outcome through a conscious and meaningful attitude. We’ve the capability of thinking, and we’re independent of any external influence to make decisions regarding our own life. We just need to be aware and awaken to that fundamental fact.

The moment we keep consciousness at hand to start observing, analysing, and understanding what happens within and in the surroundings, it’s the moment we understand how we can enhance the self to step into our personal evolution, freeing the self from the influence of darkness and hatred culture.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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