Human stupidity is indeed far beyond infinity. It’s to face such an unlimited source of negativity that we need to tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within: the power of our love nature. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do but eliminate the lack of knowledge and stupidity within our own perspective and relativity, vanishing any trace of darkness and its associated negative conditioning influencing the self while experiencing a period of suffering. The moment we realise the need to erase darkness from our own perspective and relativity, it’s the moment we understand we’re actually manifesting light—consciously and meaningfully—from the inside out.

It’s quite simple to vanish darkness from our own perspective and relativity, and it begins with doing the right thing, following the common laws we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. We need to clearly remember that common laws only exist to protect unconscious minds from themselves, as conscious being following an honoured path requires no such type of laws, as they will never violate the personal space of another no matter the circumstances. The honoured path has no alignment with the deceptive and dishonoured path of darkness, and the urge needs to violate and bend the commons laws for pleasing personal desires.

The big problem isn’t vanishing darkness from our own perspective and relativity but dealing with our own suffering when in the face of the suffering of another, an unconscious mind who may think they can do whatever they want with another sentient being. It sounds absurd yet we still observe such a slavery-related behaviour in the current society we’re part of. That is why we need to tap into and manifest an unlimited source of power in a conscious and meaningful way, as we face another opposite source with unlimited extension, i.e., human stupidity.

We just need to open our third eye to see how beneficial it’s to be honoured and conscious of being in the present moment. We face the loud sound of a chaotic behaviour, the silence of ignorance and disrespect with the lives of others, and we need to deal with the mixture of chaos and silence every single day, observing, analysing, and understanding they’re nothing more than manifestations of suffering in the attempt to perform negative conditioning in the environment we’re inserted into. The behaviour described isn’t natural, and even if it’s an attempt to mimic it, we can say such a scene isn’t even close to representing the impermanence of the universe itself. However, if we cannot keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, we step into a deep period of suffering, which is aligned with the belief of not being capable of walking the path towards a meaningful life on our own.

Let’s just be light to realise and understand what we can only observe deep within while keeping consciousness at hand: there’s no darkness before light.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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