It’s extremely important we find a way to establish a strong yet peaceful posture on our own, which should be according to the environment we’re inserted into, and suitable to the self, our personality, way of life, and so on. In summary, we need to create a unique posture instead of trying to condition ourselves into some pre-formatted one. The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand how to step into our personal evolution, becoming the best version of the self every single day of our own existence.

There’s no time to waste on embracing darkness, following a negative conditioning we’re subjected to, our kneeling before hatred culture, implying a life dictated by a deep period of suffering where happiness is weak inside. We need to be happy no matter the circumstances, generating a positive and genuine source of energy capable of feeding the beautiful light we manifest from the inside out. It’s time to say yes to caring about life as the ultimate goal, putting aside any imposition to follow the cult of hate and suffering as the foundation of prosperity. It’s indeed not a good way of living a life.

We need to experience a life full of joy, even if we’re facing darkness in the middle of a discriminatory and racist environment. We need to find a way of generating happiness, which may not be aligned with what we observe in the surroundings but being genuinely cultivated, nurtured, and generated from the inside out. We need to understand a way of being light, enrolling into the evolutionary path where we fear the presence of darkness no more.

It’s time to tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within, manifesting the beautiful light from the inside out in a way we feel the negative energy of fear surrounding the self, understanding we need to deal with the periods of suffering resulting from the feeding of that fear performed by the unconscious minds embracing darkness itself. When we learn how to do it, we conquer our own suffering, preparing the self to deal with the suffering of others in a conscious and meaningful way.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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