It’s extremely important we understand the environment we’re inserted into, realising the types of threads and challenges we need to face and deal with in order to step into our personal evolution. The important thing to differentiate fabrications of our mind and real threats we need to face and deal with is that fabrications of our own mind generates fear. The fear of doing something implies that we’re not able to stand strong in the middle of a hostile environment. The moment we stand strong in the middle of a hostile environment, it’s the moment we start clearly observing the sources of real threats we’re facing, which can pose negative consequences to our life and well-being if we’ve no awareness of their presence.
The nature of our mind is related to the emptiness of either fabricating nothing or experiencing nothing while united with the universe itself, no matter the circumstances. The ultimate mind state, even if attained by a tiny moment, enables the self to differentiate fabrications of our own mind from real threats we’re facing and dealing with, which only the ones keeping full consciousness at hand are able to observe, analyse, and understand properly. It’s indeed a privilege of few, and that’s why impressions and descriptions about such observations cannot be performed. The majority wouldn’t be able to understand, and we need to experience it consciously and meaningfully in order to establish our own strategy to deal with such threats properly.
The challenge of starting the observation of real threats we need to face and deal with is keeping our mind in a peaceful state. It requires a huge mind power to not embracing the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into, which implies dealing with periods of suffering we may experience in a conscious and meaningful way. While fabrications of our mind have only the power to deteriorate the self when not boosting a period of suffering we may be experiencing, real threats we’re facing are the consequences of periods of suffering experienced by others, which the negative consequences cause real damage to the self, the environment we’re inserted into, and the ecosystem part of the universe itself.
The moment we realise the difference between fabrications of our own mind and real threats we’re facing and dealing with, it’s the moment we understand how important performing our body and mind training is.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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