It’s important to recognise the illusions we’re inserted into to understand how everything works, implying the need of learning how deception takes place in the environment we’re inserted into. The moment we’re completely sure of how deception works, it’s the moment we understand how to recognise clearly, and with no doubt, the presence of darkness in the surroundings. If such a presence is making a huge effort to prevent the self from doing any activity within our own perspective and relativity to support our own survivability, we need to find alternatives, which as a last resource, is to start building things from scratch, even if it requires doing it with our bare hands. It’s only by learning the deceptive tactics related to the presence of darkness that we can find a solution to diminish the negative influence in what we do in the present moment.

The majority of the time it is extremely difficult to segregate the illusions we’ve contact with, which poses a huge threat to our well-being and survivability. Therefore, when we keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, we can let our mind in a freewill mode, observing where it goes, and understanding the mindset utilised by darkness. When we acquire the proper knowledge from such a mindset we understand that slavery and submission are the true intentions behind the scenes.

From the moment we acquire a full understanding of what darkness is willing to accomplish, we can start drawing a suitable strategy to deal with the matter, now in complete silence. We need to visualise what needs to be done in order to keep consciousness at hand, walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. No matter the amount of pressure and what happens in the surroundings; no matter the deceptive measures or behaviours before the self; from the moment full understanding is acquired, silence is the norm of a conscious being and, therefore, identifying clearly how to free the self from the slavery-related environment we’re inserted into.

Let’s remember: the moment we acquire full understanding of what the presence of darkness represents in the surroundings, using the tactics suitable to the self, it’s the moment silence becomes the norm to step into our personal evolution, boosting the astonishing light we’ve deep within, and manifesting our unlimited power from the inside out.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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