It’s important to understand what happens in the surroundings, identifying the presence of darkness to recognise its influence on both obnoxious behaviours and difficulties experienced in the environment we’re inserted into. We need knowledge acquisition to support our personal observation and analysis, which is crucial to understand all negativity we’ve contact with in the surroundings, and the relation of such negativity with the true source of our own suffering. The moment we can clearly observe such a relation, understanding what we need to do in order to face darkness and diminish the influence of hatred culture within our own perspective and relativity, it’s the moment we understand the path of our personal evolution, and how it’s tightly related to the duty of attaining higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.

It’s time of keeping consciousness at hand, fulfilling the duty of understanding the importance of attaining higher conscious levels is in our bare hands. There’s no other option if personal evolution towards the path of a meaningful life is an established goal. In the middle of such a path, the understanding of our own suffering becomes a consequence of our personal evolution, which implies tapping into the unlimited power we’ve deep within to face darkness, and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.

Increasing the amount of knowledge we’ve already acquired is fundamental to keep up-to-date and prepared to face different types of threats presented before the self. Unfortunately, there’s a higher probability of receiving help from no one during the period we’re dealing with our own suffering in combination with the suffering of others. The reason is crystal clear: we’re still in a society dominated by hatred culture, and therefore, suffering, deception, illusions, and any negativity we may have contact with in the present moment are closer to the norm than our natural and intrinsic love nature.

Let’s be brave, hoping we, conscious beings, can find one another to establish a strong bond capable of becoming resilient against any attempt to either harm or corrupt any of us. We may have not met yet, and probably we’re developing ourselves on our own. However, let’s remember we’re not alone. Our love nature establishes a strong connection between us, and the moment we can find a way to meet one another in person, we can boost the difference we’re already making in the environment we’re inserted into.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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